Play chess anytime and anywhere with a new view on the best game ever!
Completely free! This is not a demo, and has no locked options.
- 10 play levels (from Novice to Expert). This uses intelligent weakening for lower levels. Good for beginners.
- Casual and Pro modes. Learn on Casual and progress to Pro.
- "Human vs Human" and "Human with CPU" modes.
- A variety of color themes and board textures - colorize your game.
- “Show CPU Thinking” option. Allows the user to see what the AI is considering.
- A lot of different custom settings: tips, highlights, alternative moves and much more.
- Review game mode. Step through your game!
- Load/Save game files & PGN Export.
- Designed for both Tablets and Phones.
- 2 player hot-seat (with autorotating of the board). Play against your friends!
- Chess Stats, Timers and Hints.
- Sending the game by email.
- Uses smart Chess engine. This has a unique "human-like" style.
Download the best Chess for Android now!
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